Elman Neural Network is a popular and simple recurrent neural network. It was designed to learn sequential or time-varying patterns. They consist of an Input layer, a context layer, a hidden layer and an output layer. Each layer contains one or more neurons which propagate information from one layer to another by computing a non-linear function of their weighted sum of inputs. The context layer’s presence leads to the Elman Neural Network having a “memory”.
In an Elman Neural Network, the number of neurons in the context layer is equal to the number of neurons in the hidden layer. In addition, the context layer neurons are fully connected to all neurons in the hidden layer.
Similar to a regular feedforward neural network, the strength of all connections between neurons is determined by a weight. Initially, all weights are chosen randomly and are optimized during training.
First, we take log and then scale the data to a range of [0,1]. Then, we use quantmod package to create 12 time lagged attributes (12 because the data is monthly).
= read.csv("data.csv")[,3]
data = ts(data, start = c(2001, 1), frequency = 12)
data #
= read.csv("data.csv")[,1]
date = as.Date(date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")
= ts(log(data), start = c(2001, 1), frequency = 12)
= function(x){(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))}
range.data = function(x, xmin, xmax){x*(xmax-xmin)+xmin}
unscale.data = min(y) #12.57856
min.data = max(y) #14.10671
max.data = range.data(y)
#Lag Selection
= as.zoo(y)
y = Lag(y, k = 1)
x1 = Lag(y, k = 2)
x2 = Lag(y, k = 3)
x3 = Lag(y, k = 4)
x4 = Lag(y, k = 5)
x5 = Lag(y, k = 6)
x6 = Lag(y, k = 7)
x7 = Lag(y, k = 8)
x8 = Lag(y, k = 9)
x9 = Lag(y,k = 10)
x10 = Lag(y,k = 11)
x11 = Lag(y,k = 12)
x12 = cbind(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12)
x = cbind(y, x)
x = x[-(1:12),] #Missing Value Removal
x = nrow(x) #236 observations
n #
= 224
n.train = x$y
outputs = x[ ,2:13]
inputs #
To train the network, we use 224 values. The first 12 values were removed so that we have values at all the lags we use.
The package RSNNS contains function elman which estimates an Elman Neural Network.
We build 3 models with different number of nodes in the hidden layers.
= elman(inputs[1:n.train,], outputs[1:n.train,], size = 42, maxit = 1000)
fit1 #
= elman(inputs[1:n.train,], outputs[1:n.train,], size = c(36,36), maxit = 1000)
fit2 #
= elman(inputs[1:n.train,], outputs[1:n.train,], size = c(15,14), maxit = 1000)
fit3 #
The plotIterativeError function plots the iterative error over the sample.
The plotRegressionError function helps visualize the relationship between the Actual and Predicted values.
Note: Only the code for first plot is shown, other 2 plots are created with the same code.
plotRegressionError(outputs[1:n.train,], fit1$fitted.values)
title("Model 1 Error and Fit")
We use the predict function to make predictions. Now, because we had taken log and normalized all values, the predicted ones are not in original units.
To convert them back to original units, we take exponential and unscale them using a user-define function. We do the same with the actual test data values as well.
# Prediction
= predict(fit1, inputs[225:236])
pred1 = exp(unscale.data(pred1, min.data, max.data))
= predict(fit2, inputs[225:236])
pred2 = exp(unscale.data(pred2, min.data, max.data))
= predict(fit3, inputs[225:236])
pred3 = exp(unscale.data(pred3, min.data, max.data))
# Actual Data
= exp(unscale.data(outputs[225:236], min.data, max.data))
output.actual = as.matrix(output.actual)
output.actual = rownames(output.actual) #Prediction Dates
pred.dates #
= cbind(as.ts(output.actual), # Actual
result as.ts(output.pred1), # Model.1
as.ts(output.pred2), # Model.2
as.ts(output.pred3)) # Model.3
round(c( mape(result$Actual, result$Model.1),
rmse(result$Actual, result$Model.1),
mape(result$Actual, result$Model.2),
rmse(result$Actual, result$Model.2),
mape(result$Actual, result$Model.3),
rmse(result$Actual, result$Model.3) ),5)
## [1] 0.05251 54236.36921 0.05382 65440.61282 0.05241 55922.01240
Overall, the Elman Neural Network is able to capture the trend, seasonality and most of the underlying dynamics our time series data.
U.S. Consumption of Electricity Generated by Natural Gas | ||||
Dates | Actual1 | Model 11 | Model 21 | Model 31 |
Sep 2020 | 1006071.1 | 1068077.4 | 1030405.7 | 1061165.1 |
Oct 2020 | 924056.2 | 884531.1 | 872490.8 | 889184.2 |
Nov 2020 | 737935.2 | 781011.9 | 829221.2 | 805831.3 |
Dec 2020 | 839912.6 | 860308.1 | 868775.0 | 856287.5 |
Jan 2021 | 833783.3 | 874707.5 | 879176.6 | 865947.3 |
Feb 2021 | 759358.2 | 807957.9 | 801456.5 | 822646.1 |
Mar 2021 | 715165.1 | 760154.4 | 768440.8 | 761077.9 |
Apr 2021 | 724125.8 | 700721.5 | 729664.3 | 710964.2 |
May 2021 | 787027.2 | 833321.1 | 828116.5 | 823385.1 |
Jun 2021 | 1051774.8 | 1015325.5 | 1048127.0 | 991191.1 |
Jul 2021 | 1199673.3 | 1323742.0 | 1373527.2 | 1325672.1 |
Aug 2021 | 1223328.0 | 1269665.6 | 1204788.0 | 1237777.1 |
Source: US Energy Information Adminstration | ||||
Thousand Mcf