
Conventional RNNs suffer from short-term memory loss. Over time, input from earlier time steps become less significant. Hence, RNNs can fail to retain the context from those earlier steps of the data. The Back Propagation Through Time (BPTT) is the cause behind this short-term memory loss. Over time gradients becomes too small to the point they become insignificant for updating weights. The gradients keep shrinking in size and eventually “vanish”. This is called the Vanishing Gradient Problem. This makes it harder to propagate errors back into the past because the gradients are becoming smaller and smaller. Thus, we bias out network to capture more of short-term dependencies.

Long Short-Term Memory LSTMs are used to mitigate the issue of short-term memory through the use of gates that can regulate the flow of information passing through it.

Structure of Gate Cells

The Gate Cells consists of a neural net layer like a sigmoid and a point-wise multiplication. The Sigmoid translates it’s input over the range of [0, 1]. This translation can be thought of as How much of the passing information should be retained? where 0 means nothing and 1 means everything. Thus, in some sense, we are gating the flow of information.

Working of LSTMs

The working of LSTMs can be understood in 4 simple steps (1)Forget (2)Store (3)Update (4)Output.

  1. Forget

The first step in LSTMs is to decide what information is going to be thrown away/ from the cell state i.e. forgetting irrelevant history. This is a function of prior cell state \(h_{t-1}\) and current input \(x_t\).

  1. Store

The next step is to decide what part of the new information is relevant and then store it into the cell state.

  1. Update

Then it takes relevant parts of the prior and current information and uses this to selectively update the cell state.

  1. Output

Finally it returns an output from what is known as the Output Gate which controls what information encoded in the cell state is sent to the network as input in the next time step.

Some resources for reference

Data Preparation

We need to manipulate the data into a format which the Neural Network can work with. First, we use quantmod package to create 12 time lagged attributes (12 because the data is monthly).

After selecting necessary lags, we can take Log to sort of reduce the magnitude of the series and then Normalize the data to bring them in the range of 0 and 1.

This part is the same as under RNN.

  data = read.csv("data.csv")[,3]
  date = read.csv("data.csv")[,1]
  x = as.zoo(data)
  # Selecting Lags
  x1   = Lag(x , k=1)
  x2   = Lag(x , k=2)
  x3   = Lag(x , k=3)
  x4   = Lag(x , k=4)
  x5   = Lag(x , k=5)
  x6   = Lag(x , k=6)
  x7   = Lag(x , k=7)
  x8   = Lag(x , k=8)
  x9   = Lag(x , k=9)
  x10  = Lag(x ,k=10)
  x11  = Lag(x ,k=11)
  x12  = Lag(x ,k=12)
  x    = cbind(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12,x)
  # Log-transformation
  x  = log(x) 
  # Missing Value Removal
  x  = x [-(1:12),]
  x  = data.matrix(x)
  # Normalization
  min.xng = min(x) #12.57856
  max.xng = max(x) #14.10671
  x  = (x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x))
  unscale = function(x,xmax, xmin){ x*(xmax-xmin)+ xmin }
  x1  = as.matrix(x [,1])
  x2  = as.matrix(x [,2])
  x3  = as.matrix(x [,3])
  x4  = as.matrix(x [,4])
  x5  = as.matrix(x [,5])
  x6  = as.matrix(x [,6])
  x7  = as.matrix(x [,7])
  x8  = as.matrix(x [,8])
  x9  = as.matrix(x [,9])
  x10 = as.matrix(x[,10])
  x11 = as.matrix(x[,11])
  x12 = as.matrix(x[,12])
  y   = as.matrix(x[,13])
  n.train = 224
  #Preparing Train dataset
  ytrain    = as.matrix(y [1:n.train])
  x1_train  = as.matrix(t(x1 [1:n.train,]))
  x2_train  = as.matrix(t(x2 [1:n.train,]))
  x3_train  = as.matrix(t(x3 [1:n.train,]))
  x4_train  = as.matrix(t(x4 [1:n.train,]))
  x5_train  = as.matrix(t(x5 [1:n.train,]))
  x6_train  = as.matrix(t(x6 [1:n.train,]))
  x7_train  = as.matrix(t(x7 [1:n.train,]))
  x8_train  = as.matrix(t(x8 [1:n.train,]))
  x9_train  = as.matrix(t(x9 [1:n.train,]))   
  x10_train = as.matrix(t(x10[1:n.train,]))
  x11_train = as.matrix(t(x11[1:n.train,]))
  x12_train = as.matrix(t(x12[1:n.train,]))
  x_train  = array(c(x1_train,x2_train,x3_train,x4_train,x5_train,
                  x11_train,x12_train),dim = c(dim(x1_train),12))
  #Preparing Test dataset
  x1test  = as.matrix(t(x1 [(n.train+1):nrow(x1), ]))
  x2test  = as.matrix(t(x2 [(n.train+1):nrow(x2), ]))
  x3test  = as.matrix(t(x3 [(n.train+1):nrow(x3), ]))
  x4test  = as.matrix(t(x4 [(n.train+1):nrow(x4), ]))
  x5test  = as.matrix(t(x5 [(n.train+1):nrow(x5), ]))
  x6test  = as.matrix(t(x6 [(n.train+1):nrow(x6), ]))
  x7test  = as.matrix(t(x7 [(n.train+1):nrow(x7), ]))
  x8test  = as.matrix(t(x8 [(n.train+1):nrow(x8), ]))
  x9test  = as.matrix(t(x9 [(n.train+1):nrow(x9), ]))
  x10test = as.matrix(t(x10[(n.train+1):nrow(x10),]))
  x11test = as.matrix(t(x11[(n.train+1):nrow(x11),]))
  x12test = as.matrix(t(x12[(n.train+1):nrow(x12),]))
  ytest   = as.matrix(y [(n.train+1):nrow(x12 )])
  xtest   = array(c(x1test,x2test,x3test,x4test,x5test,x6test,
                  dim = c(dim(x1test), 12))


LSTM Network

The model is estimated using the trainr function in the RNN package. It requires the attribute data be passed as a 3 dimensional array. The first dimension is the number of samples, the second dimension time, and the third dimension captures the variables. This is reflected by xtest object.

We use set.seed(2018) to allow reproducibility.

The LSTM network is specified by network_type = “lstm”.

We will build 3 models with different values of hidden_dim which tells how many layers and neurons are there in the network. All models have the same learning rate of 0.05 and sigmoid activation function.

model1  = trainr(Y = t(ytrain ), X = x_train , learningrate = 0.05,
                 hidden_dim = 3, numepochs = 500, 
                 network_type = "lstm", sigmoid = "tanh")
model2  = trainr(Y = t(ytrain), X = x_train , learningrate = 0.05,
                 hidden_dim = 5, numepochs = 300,
                 network_type = "lstm",sigmoid = "tanh")
model3  = trainr(Y = t(ytrain ), X = x_train , learningrate = 0.05, 
                 hidden_dim = 7, numepochs = 300, 
                 network_type = "lstm", sigmoid = "tanh")

Plot of Iterative Error

As the model is training, it output an error figure. Here we plot these errors and iteration index.

error1  = t(model1 $error)
error2  = t(model2$error)
error3  = t(model3$error)
plot(error1, type="l", main="Iterative Errors")
plot(error2, type="l", main="Iterative Errors")
plot(error3, type="l",main="Iterative Errors")


We use the predictr function to predict and then unscale and take exponential to transform the predicted values back into original scale.

To convert them back to original units, we take exponential and unscale them using a user-define function. We do the same with the actual test data values as well.

# Prediction
pred1test = t(predictr(model1, xtest))
pred1.act  = exp(unscale(pred1test, max.xng, min.xng))
pred1.act  = ts(matrix(pred1.act), end = c(2020,8), frequency = 12)

pred2test = t(predictr(model2, xtest))
pred2.act  = exp(unscale(pred2test, max.xng, min.xng))
pred2.act  = ts(matrix(pred2.act), end = c(2020,8), frequency = 12)

pred3test = t(predictr(model3, xtest))
pred3.act  = exp(unscale(pred3test,max.xng, min.xng))
pred3.act  = ts(matrix(pred3.act), end = c(2020,8), frequency = 12)

# Actual Data
y.act  = exp(unscale(ytest , max.xng, min.xng))
y.act  = ts(matrix(y.act), end = c(2020,8), frequency = 12)
# Final Output  
result = cbind(date[237:248],     # Prediction Dates
               round(y.act,2),    # Test data
               round(pred1.act,2),# Model.1
               round(pred2.act,2),# Model.2
               round(pred3.act,2))# Model.3

Plot of All 3 Networks


round(c( mape(result$actual, result$model1), 
         rmse(result$actual, result$model1), 

         mape(result$actual, result$model2), 
         rmse(result$actual, result$model2), 

         mape(result$actual, result$model3),
         rmse(result$actual, result$model3) ), 3)
## [1]      0.192 239540.856      0.125 128035.842      0.173 205560.788

However, like many things in data science, there is no guarantee that this model will always deliver the best, or even acceptable performance on our data. The LSTM is only one of many emerging types of recurrent neural network useful for time series forecasting. - N.D. Lewis

Output Table

U.S. Consumption of Electricity Generated by Natural Gas
Date Actual1 model_11 model_21 model_31
Sep 1, 2020 1006071.2 644952.7 942251.7 556579.6
Oct 1, 2020 924056.2 687834.3 920977.7 570375.1
Nov 1, 2020 737935.2 687563.0 927356.7 655922.9
Dec 1, 2020 839912.6 674210.9 935679.9 719214.1
Jan 1, 2021 833783.3 670159.3 947614.4 676637.1
Feb 1, 2021 759358.2 660507.9 925421.6 704601.8
Mar 1, 2021 715165.1 685644.8 835823.9 751415.4
Apr 1, 2021 724125.8 701448.1 772442.4 777689.0
May 1, 2021 787027.2 744133.4 834709.2 914212.4
Jun 1, 2021 1051774.8 755805.3 966786.3 978336.4
Jul 1, 2021 1199673.3 776137.9 1001214.5 969598.2
Aug 1, 2021 1223328.0 816380.6 1020168.8 994733.2
Source: US Energy Information Adminstration

1 Thousand Mcf