Note: The Prophet Algorithm is not a Neural Network. It is build to act as a benchmark to understand how the Neural Networks perform.


Facebook Prophet is an open-source algorithm for working with time series data. Prophet is a procedure for forecasting time series data based on an additive model where non-linear trends are fit with yearly, weekly, and daily seasonality, plus holiday effects.

It works best with time series that have strong seasonal effects and several seasons of historical data. Prophet is robust to missing data and shifts in the trend, and typically handles outliers well.

To understand the Math behind Prophet click here

Data Preparation

#Load data and library
data = read.csv("data.csv")[,3]
date = read.csv("data.csv")[,1]
date = as.Date(date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")

library(ggplot2); library(forecast); library(prophet)

# Train and Test Dataset
train = ts(data[1:236], start = c(2001,1), frequency = 12)
test = as.numeric(tail(data, 12))

We will use the first 236 values to train the model and the remaining 12 will be used to test forecasting power of Prophet for this dataset.

Prophet requires that the dates (in proper Date format) are located in a column named “ds” and values of the series in a column titled “y”.

df = data.frame(ds = date[1:236], y = data[1:236])
m = prophet(df)
future = make_future_dataframe(m, periods = 12, freq = 'month')


forecast = predict(m, future)
plot(m, forecast) 

prophet_plot_components(m, forecast)

Data Frame Creation for plots and table

pred = tail(forecast$yhat, 12)
upper = tail(forecast$yhat_upper, 12)
lower = tail(forecast$yhat_lower, 12)

result = cbind(as.character(tail(date,12)), # Dates
               as.numeric(round(test,2)),   # Actual
               as.numeric(lower),           # Lower CI
               as.numeric(round(pred,2)),   # Prediction
               as.numeric(upper))           # Upper CI



round(c(rmse(result$actual, result$pred), 
        mape(result$actual, result$pred)) ,5) 
## [1] 78693.33947     0.07425

Output Table

U.S. Consumption of Electricity Generated by Natural Gas
Date Actual1 Predicted1
Sep 1, 2020 1,006,071.14 1,015,378.18
Oct 1, 2020 924,056.16 916,235.46
Nov 1, 2020 737,935.17 841,314.31
Dec 1, 2020 839,912.60 868,872.25
Jan 1, 2021 833,783.30 864,478.30
Feb 1, 2021 759,358.16 803,540.79
Mar 1, 2021 715,165.06 869,791.23
Apr 1, 2021 724,125.84 854,196.11
May 1, 2021 787,027.16 920,158.92
Jun 1, 2021 1,051,774.78 1,046,561.33
Jul 1, 2021 1,199,673.32 1,233,024.69
Aug 1, 2021 1,223,327.98 1,230,582.84
Source: US Energy Information Adminstration

1 Thousand Mcf